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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School




Curiosity and enquiry - We will inspire and challenge pupils to become independent thinkers, encouraging them to ask questions about the world around them and seek answers through investigation and exploration
Analyse and explain - There will be a focus on developing analytical thinking skills and equipping pupils with the scientific language and understanding in order to explain their ideas
Making connections - Pupils will use their knowledge of Science to develop their understanding of the locality and the world in which they live


We want our children to be curious about the world around them. Our lessons nurture curiosity and provide children with hands-on, investigative and interesting scientific experiences. Children are encouraged to develop scientific enquiry and begin to answer their own questions through experimentation and exploration. We introduce our pupils to scientists, both old and new, to encourage children to understand how science has benefited the wider world. We celebrate Science Week in school which gives children the opportunity to learn about Science beyond the National Curriculum. We offer Curriculum Enhancement opportunities such as presentations and learning experiences from professionals who work in the scientific field.
