Mental Health and Wellbeing
Managing time on the internet and gaming can be tricky and some children are spending a huge amount of time online. Some parents have concerns concerns about their children’s mental health or the potential to become addicted as well as the amount of screen time their child has.
Internet Matters - Screen Time
A good way to build up good communication between you and your children when talking about the online world is to create an agreement. This can be about usage, content, behaviour or creating a balance. This link gives you advice and a template that you could use:
Childnet - Family Agreement Advice
Most iPhones have a system built in where you can restrict screen time, and there are apps you can download for Android devices. You can control the content your children are accessing, or set up set screen times that turn off when you want them to.
These links offer further insight and advice:
Internet Matters - Preventing gaming addiction
Internet Matters - Can video games encourage my child to be aggressive?
Internet Matters - Cyberbullying