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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School


Our curriculum is driven by our REACH values and by our desire to prepare our learners of today for tomorrow's world. We aim to inspire and motivate pupils while providing for their academic, moral, physical, creative, personal and social development. We have a bespoke curriuculum here at Chalkwell Hall Infant School where we develop both the children's knowledge and character.


Throughout Key Stage 1, we use recognise the importance of making links across the curriculum. Lessons are designed to ensure pupils acquire knowledge and skills and have opportunities to retrieve their knowledge, practise and apply their skills in a range of contexts and commit their learning to the long term memory. We encourage co-operative work, talk, discussion and enjoyment as vehicles for learning in all subjects.


The Covid-19 pandemic was as an excellent opportunity to evaluate what was important to us and what our priorities were. These priorities continue to shape our offer and approach at Chalkwell and are centered around our REACH values, the children's (and staff) wellbeing and by ensuring that children develop their basic skills as well as access a broad and balanced curriculum in order to prepare them tomorrow's world.


Have a click below to find out more detailed information about what we do and why...

Interested in our approach to dealing with the impact of Covid? Read on...


In September 2020 and again in March 2021 when the nation’s children returned to school, we evaluated our approach to re-engage them back into learning.  This approach was called the ‘Recovery Curriculum’ and took into account the varied experiences that our children and families might have had during the lockdown periods and the return to school. Thinking about the curriculum in a new light helped us to focus on what we saw as really important and structure an approach that suited our setting and the needs of our community.


You can find out more about this curriculum and what we did by clicking the link below.
