The impact of implementing these measures will be seen where:
- Children’s (and staff) wellbeing is at the forefront of of decision making
- Children feel that school is a comfortable and safe space where it is okay to express themselves, their fears, concerns and indeed happiness, excitement and joy
- Children’s gaps and needs are recognised and addressed, and in particular the most vulnerable children are supported to achieve
- The community and school work together to move forward
- The curriculum is a starting point to engage children back into learning
- Approaches to teaching and learning reflect the ever changing needs of the children and the community we serve
- Our children will ‘know what to do’ when they don’t know what to do
- We will ‘REACH for the stars’ and ‘prepare our learners of today for tomorrow’s world’
By investing time in and for the whole school community at the start of staff and pupils’ return – through storytelling, speaking and being heard, and wrapping things up as a collective – we acknowledge what has happened, good and bad, and can draw out the most positive aspect of all: that it is good to be back together. Hopeful, not helpless. Mary Wyatt, Educational Consultant and Author
Useful Links:
Build Back Better Webinar - John Hattie
A Recovery Curriculum Podcast - Professor Barrie Carpenter