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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School

Pastoral & Safeguarding Team

Ms J. Milbank

Deputy Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs S. Clements


Mrs S. Cooper
 Admissions and Attendance Officer

Miss Stevens

Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo)

and Class Teacher

Mrs V. Graham

Family Liaison Officer


I am proud to be part of the great team at Chalkwell Hall Infants. I have worked here for fifteen years.

As my role as Family Liaison Officer I enjoy supporting and working closely alongside children and families who may be experiencing all sorts of difficulties, due to the ups and downs of everyday life. I also work with many of the outside agencies that support our children and families.

I get great pleasure and job satisfaction when we are able to help and support our children and families through difficult times.

In my spare time I enjoy spending time with the family. I like nature, wildlife and walking the dog also canoeing but only when the sun shines!
