Home Page

Chalkwell Hall

Infant School

Online Services

Design a Christmas card competition instructions


1. Log into Purple Mash (see your child's yellow book if they don't know their username and password)

2. click\tap on the notification bell (in the top right of the screen)

3. click\tap "Go to"

4. click\tap "Start"

5. choose what type of picture you want to do

6. click\tap "OK"

7. draw your picture

8. click\tap "Exit" (red arrow, top right)

9. choose "Save and Exit"

10. if you're not finished, you can come back later and choose "Continue Work"


if you have finished, click\tap "Hand in"

11. leave a note, if you want to, then click\tap "OK".


For Parents



The school website calendar is updated weekly.


You can subscribe to the calendar and have it available on your phone or tablet for example.


Details of how to do this can be found here:-


We have our own Facebook group so that we can share photos, videos etc. of activities we are doing in school.


The group is closed to non-members and all requests to join have to be approved. Only people who are known to the school as 'Contacts' for a current pupil are approved.

If you need to be added as a 'Contact', please speak to someone in our Office.


Click here for our Facebook group


SchoolPing is the app that we use to communicate with parents.


It is used to send out messages, organise parent\teacher meetings and has a calendar which is updated weekly.


The app can be downloaded for free from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.


The web browser version can be accessed by clicking here.


If you have any problems using the app, please speak to someone in our Office.


Tapestry is an online learning journal where parents of Reception children can receive updates about their child's activities in school.


Please click here to access the website.


To be registered on the Tapestry system, please email the following details:-

1. Your first name

2. Your last name

3. Your child's full name

4. Your email address

For Children



Oxford Owl is our on-line reading site.


To access Oxford Owl:-

  1. Go to
  2. log in with the username and password provided by your child's teacher
  3. enter the school ID of mbt4 (Note: the letters must be in lower case)



Purple Mash is an extensive on-line resource we use in school for Maths, English, Computing, Art, Design and much, much more.


To access Purple Mash:-

  1. Go to
  2. log in with the username and password provided by your child's teacher


You can watch the 'Purple Mash in 2 minutes' explanatory video on this page -

