Outdoor Learning at Chalkwell Hall Infant School
At Chalkwell Hall Infants, we love to explore and learn outdoors. We use our REACH vision to deliver outdoor learning opportunities with the aim that our pupils develop:
R | espect for living things, other people and our local, shared community spaces |
E | njoy and appreciate the natural world around them |
A | chieve awareness, knowledge and skills through practical outdoor learning experiences |
C | are about and show consideration for the natural environment |
H | ealthy lifestyle approaches and a love of the great outdoors |
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We take our learning outdoors so that we can inspire, explore and learn from the children’s natural environment. The ethos of outdoor learning allows our children to spend time in the natural world to learn through practical experiences, testing out their ideas and making discoveries. It allows our teachers to work alongside the children to observe and extend the children’s independent inquiry and exploration.
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At Chalkwell Infants we regularly use Chalkwell Park for seasonal walks and outdoor learning sessions. Such learning opportunities are fundamental for enhancing language and communication skills, self-esteem and independence. We actively encourage children to self manage and take risks to build their confidence whilst they are learning outdoors. Additionally, we visit places in our local area to enhance learning experiences for our pupils for all curriculum areas. We maximise the use of our local environment to enhance our learning, including visiting the beach.
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