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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School




Inspire and  evaluate - Pupils will be inspired and encouraged to develop a love of music through listening, reviewing and evaluating  a range of music and styles
 Practise, refine and perform - There will be a focus on children having opportunities to regularly practise singing and playing instruments. Opportunities to perform will allow them to increase their self-confidence and sense of achievement 


We follow the ‘Charanga’ music scheme in Key Stage 1. The scheme follows a format that allows children to appraise and evaluate music, acquire new skills and knowledge and have opportunities to perform in each lesson. The scheme builds on knowledge and understanding progressively each year. Children in Year 1 and 2 learn to play the glockenspiel in their music lessons and receive a term’s tuition of the ukulele as part of the ‘First Access’ scheme offered by the government through Southend Music Services.


We build in lots of opportnities for children to perform both singing and music instruments in class assemblies and school performances through the year.


Children in Key Stage 1 are able to join the Choir who participate in a variety of different organised performances including the Christmas Leigh Lights ceremony, the Infant Musical Festival and the Village Green Next Generation, as well as more informal performances at the local care home and Christmas carols at Chalkwell station.


Children are able to participate in different extracurricular music clubs, including additional ukulele tuition and recorders.

