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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School

REACH Council

REACH Council

Our REACH Council represents the voice of all children in the school. The REACH Council promotes our REACH values -







The REACH Council represents the views of their class and understands the importance of sharing their opinion. They know that their opinion is valued by other pupils, school staff and the wider community. They care about the school and wider community and support others to be happy, healthy and safe. 


In our school you will see the REACH Council:

  • Take ownership of the schools REACH values
  • Organise events to support local and global charities
  • Gather the views of their peers on topics relating to school improvement and act on them positively
  • Represent the school at key events
  • Be consulted on new changes to policy and school routines
  • Focus on how the school can improve pupil wellbeing
  • Build their skills to prepare today’s learners for tomorrow’s world


They understand that there is always more to achieve and strive for improvement for all.


Meet the REACH Council 

