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Chalkwell Hall

Infant School

Herd in the city

The REACH Council meets weekly to share information and updates about the Herd in the City Wild in Art project. Our elephant sculpture arrived in school ready to be decorated with the children’s brilliant puzzle piece designs. The design idea is linked to the theme of Children’s Mental Health Week - Let’s Connect. The arrival of our elephant in school was very exciting! The REACH Council collected name suggestions from their classes and our school elephant has been named Trunky McChalkface. During his first week in school Trunky popped up in different locations around our school to meet everyone.

The REACH Council held a Bake Sale after school on the playground and raised an amazing total of £617.46 for Havens Hospices.

Trunky McChalkface has now joined the herd ready to take part in the Herd in the City art trail in Southend.
