This Clean Air Day (20th June), we’ve been thinking about how cars pollute the air especially when being idle and the impact it has on our environment and health.
What is an idle car?
An idle car is a car that is parked but with the engine still switched on.
Why is it a problem?
An idling car causes air pollution and harmful chemicals and gases are making the air dirty. This can make people poorly! It’s also illegal to idle! Section 42 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 prohibits leaving your engine on when it is not needed.
Dr Steve Hison who visited us for a clean air assembly has set us a challenge to take part in. After a lesson on how idling cars create pollution, the school will be designing posters to encourage car users around our school not to idle. The winning posters will be displayed around the school, on our newsletter, website and Facebook page. Look out for them next week!