Home Page

Chalkwell Hall

Infant School


What is the PTA?

We’re the extended family of Chalkwell Hall Schools - the Parent Teacher Association. As a parent or carer of a child at our school or a member of staff, you become a part of the PTA automatically. Everyone’s welcome to get involved in our events and activities. 

What does the PTA do?

We’re here to enhance, improve and enrich our children’s school life - and have some fun doing it. We put on a range of activities for children and their families throughout the year which are fun and engaging, and raise much-needed funds for the schools.


Our main fundraising activities include:

Summer and winter fayres

Christmas bazaar and Santa’s grotto

Inflatable fun day

Discounted theatre ticket sales

Adventure Island wristband sales

Pre-loved uniform sales

Charitable donations


But we’re always open to new ideas and suggestions.

You can buy tickets, uniform, wristbands and more on our PTA website 



Thanks to the incredible support and generosity of our school community, we raised a phenomenal £43,000 in 2022/23. These funds were used to improve our school playground, enable children to go on school trips, provide IT equipment and more.

The PTA’s charitable status

Our PTA is a charity registered with the Charity Commission and bound by the terms of a constitution. Our constitution sets out how we operate as a PTA and how we conduct ourselves. The management of the PTA is vested in a committee currently comprised of the infant and junior school headteachers plus four elected officers who are:


Chairperson – Danielle Evans


Vice chairperson - Pippa Jackson


Secretary – Nicola Moule


Treasurer – Sally Firman


We have a wonderful team of members who help with our events, uniform sales, communications and fundraising initiatives.


Want to get involved? We’re a welcoming bunch and appreciate any help that parents and carers can provide. You could volunteer to help at an event, spend a morning preparing gifts for the kids or sorting through donations or perhaps you’d sell some raffle tickets. We know how busy parents and carers tend to be, so we really appreciate any time that you can spare to help. If you’d like to know more, to suggest an idea or join the PTA, please email


Our Annual General Meeting (AGM)

At the beginning of the academic year, we hold our AGM. Everyone’s welcome to attend and find out more about what we do and what we’ve achieved in the previous year. We discuss the funds raised, how the money’s been spent and our plans for the year ahead. The AGM is also the time to elect our committee members.



Ways to help your PTA raise funds

There are so many ways you can help to raise funds for our schools. Here are a few easy ways to support our fundraising:


If you have some time, you could:

  • Help us to source raffle prizes or sponsorship
  • Volunteer at our upcoming events
  • Sort through pre-loved uniform donations
  • Join the friendly group that makes up the PTA. We’d love your input.

Follow PTA CHS on Facebook to keep up to date with our fundraising activities.

Match funding

Does your company offer ‘match funding’ for your charitable fundraising? It’s a great way to boost the money that we raise. In effect, we receive a donation from your company to support your fundraising activity with us. For example, one parent volunteered at our school fayre and their company donated £500 through the match funding scheme.


Please speak to your HR team to find out if they have a match funding scheme. It makes a big contribution to our fundraising success.


We offer various sponsorship opportunities to local businesses so that they can promote their company to our school community. Your business’ ads could appear on our PTA website, at events like our school fayres and our promotional materials. To find out more, please email

School Lottery

You could win a jackpot of £25,000! That’d make a difference, wouldn’t it?


  • Our lottery is part of
  • Register on their website
  • Tickets cost £1 per week
  • Match all 6 numbers to win the £25,000 jackpot
  • There’s a guaranteed cash winner from our school community every week!

Easy Fundraising

We all shop online these days. Did you know that when you do your online food shop, book a holiday, renew your insurance or bag an online bargain, you could raise additional funds for our school?


Sign up to the Chalkwell Hall Schools page on

Follow the instructions on the page. Then simply, start shopping and fundraising.

It’s that easy. Well, it’s called Easy Fundraising! No hidden catches or charges. But Chalkwell Hall Schools PTA will receive donations when you get involved.

Current Promotions

We are excited to have received a donation of scooters and scooter helmets from Micro Scooters, a family-run and B-Corp certified brand. Renowned for their multi-award-winning 3 wheel scooters, and now branching out to their first electric car, adult scooters and even festival trolleys we are thrilled to support a company doing their utmost to get everyone moving in a greener, cleaner, healthier way.





What the PTA means to our school

From the Headteacher:

"We’re extremely lucky to have a committed and hardworking PTA here at Chalkwell Hall Infant School. Not only are PTA events fun for all the family, they’re also fantastic fundraisers!


Recently, money raised by our PTA has funded new laptops and playground equipment, a Christmas panto, school trips and other resources. The children simply wouldn’t have had these experiences otherwise.


Thank you to the volunteers who make it happen, and to all of you who donate. Please continue to support our PTA, by donating, volunteering or simply attending some of the wonderful events throughout the year."

Sarah Clements, Head Teacher



We thank you kindly in advance of your support.



Find out more about us and our events on our PTA Events site
